We are Registered Financial Advisers, which means we can give you advice and assistance on a range of solutions including Insurance, Kiwisaver, Mortgages, Wills and Trusts. We work mainly with professional individuals and families, as well as business owners and their staff.
Feel free to contact the office on 0800771331, if you have any queries at all. Our support staff are pretty awesome and can usually answer most questions you have on the spot. If it is a claim; an administrative matter or a payment query you are best to call the office. If it is product advice that you need, your adviser is the person you need to speak to.
If you experience any health concern and you are not sure if it will result in a claim, we encourage you to contact us on 0800771331 to discuss the matter further. The sooner we get involved in a potential claim, the smoother it normally runs. We offer full claims support to our clients, which includes assistance with filling out forms all the way through the claims process to payment. We are your advocate.
Some insurance products (e.g. health insurance) will increase every year for your age, it’s just one of those things. This increase recognises that as we get older our risk for certain claimable events increases. With other products you can choose whether you have a premium that increases every year or one that is level. Your adviser can help you manage these increases as time goes on and can also recommend some strategies to minimise the increases. If you are concerned about your premiums increasing, speak with one of our advisers today.
Please use the Contact button to send your request.